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Additional Information


Additional scholarship information may be provided as it becomes available.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all financial aid applications and additional documentation requested are submitted prior to given deadlines. If a student fails to do so and has not been approved for financial aid by the class start date, they will be required to pay the first monthly payment amount calculated from the total tuition cost. This amount will be due prior to starting school unless prior written approval is granted by the Director.


Rights under Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts complies with the Family and Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (amended in January 1975 and appearing in its final form in July 1976). The act defines requirements, which are designed to protect the privacy of students concerning their records maintained by Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts. The information pertaining to a student and their records shall not be released to a third party without the written authorization of the student, judicial order, or a lawfully issued subpoena. Education records are all records Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts maintains regarding a student.


Students (or the parents or legal guardians of students under age 18) have the right to request that the school correct any records they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the student may submit a request for a formal hearing in writing to the Administration Office.


Following the student’s request for a formal hearing, the Director or designee will schedule a meeting for the formal hearing within 10 business days of the request. Following the formal hearing, the Director or designee will contact the student in person or via writing within ten business days with a final decision as to whether Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts will accept or reject the student’s request to amend the record. If the school decides not to amend the record, the student has the right to place a statement with their record setting forth their view regarding the contested information.


All current student records are kept in the locked administrative office at the school. Records greater than 5 years old are held in off-site storage. Current and former students may view their records by making an appointment with an administrative staff member. Appointment requests for on-site records will be held within 10 business days of the request. Records older than 5 years may require an additional 7 business days as they are stored off-site.


All student records are maintained in perpetuity.


FERPA Release form is available at our Admission Office or by downloading it on our website


Jeanne Clary Disclosure of Campus Crime Statistics and Security Policies

Pure Aesthetics is a post-secondary vocational training school dedicated exclusively to skincare and massage therapy education. As an accredited institution, approved to participate in US Department of Education Title-IV financial aid programs, the school is required to publish an Annual Safety & Security Report on October 1 of each year. The document here includes both the school’s own security policies as well as campus crime statistics for both, main and branch campuses.

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