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Financial Aid

Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts offers financial aid for students who qualify. Qualified students can apply for and receive Federal PELL Grant, FSEOG (based on availability of funds), Federal Direct Loan Program (FSLP) while attending school. FPELL is a gift from the Federal Government for the students who qualify. Students do NOT need to pay back the FPELL. There are no payments due for the Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans until six (6) months after the student leaves school. This departure date refers to graduation as well as early withdrawal from the program. If the student does not finish the program, Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts will refund any unused tuition to the lender/servicer; however, the student is responsible for any funds kept by Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts for tuition needs.


Financial aid is a mechanism that reduces out-of-pocket costs that the student and/or parents must pay to obtain a specific postsecondary education. Presented differently, financial aid is money made available to help students meet the cost of college attendance for both direct and indirect costs. Financial aid includes grants and loans. Grants do not have to be repaid. Financial aid is awarded to students who have ‘need’. Need is the difference between the amount of money that the family will be expected to contribute to meet the costs and the cost of education at this school. Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts participates in the following Title IV financial aid programs:


  • Federal Pell Grant

  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

  • Federal Direct Loans

  • Direct Subsidized Loans

  • Direct Unsubsidized Loans

  • Direct Parent Plus Loans


How to Apply for Financial Aid

To be considered eligible for Title IV financial aid, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This aid is available to those who qualify. Financial Aid School Code: 041775


Title IV Eligibility Requirements


All Title IV funds are awarded based on eligibility determined by information students or their parents provide when they complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application is accessible online at Students may be required to provide additional documentation to support information provided on the FAFSA. This request may delay the disbursement of federal Page | 18 student aid. Typically, students receive a Financial Aid Estimate before Title IV funds are awarded. Once an award amount is determined, an Offer Letter is generated, and the file is deemed complete. Students must be enrolled at Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts before the Title IV funds can be disbursed. Students who accept a Federal Direct Loan must complete entrance counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN). Upon enrollment, students’ information is entered into the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and it is accessible to guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions authorized to use that data system.


Financial Aid Rights & Responsibilities


Students who receive federal financial aid have the following rights:

  • The right to review individual financial aid files.

  • The right to accept or decline financial aid awards.

  • The right to know how financial need was determined.

  • The right to request an explanation of the funding sources on the financial aid award.

  • The right to know Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts’ refund policy.
    While receiving financial aid, each student has the following responsibilities:

  • The responsibility to remain in Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined as maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 80% and cumulative attendance of at least 90%. Failure to maintain SAP may result in loss of eligibility for financial aid.

  • The responsibility to complete all application forms accurately and honestly.

  • The responsibility to provide correct information. If it is found that a student purposely provided false information, it may be considered a criminal offense, which could result in an indictment under the U.S. Criminal Code Chapter 47.

  • The responsibility to provide all requested documentation to the financial aid department in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in a delay or loss of financial aid.

  • The responsibility of reading and understanding all materials s/he signs.

  • The responsibility to keep copies of all signed documents.

  • The responsibility for all agreements that they sign.


Methods & Frequency of Disbursements

Generally, students receive Title IV funding in two installments, called disbursements. Disbursements typically occur at the beginning and midpoint of a student’s program. Title IV disbursements are issued once all eligibility requirements are fulfilled. First-time Direct Loan borrowers must wait thirty (30) days after the first day of class before Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts is permitted to release loan money to students. Otherwise, loans will be disbursed upon enrollment, and once a student completes
350 hours. Disbursement Notifications are updated in the RGM student portal.
Scheduled Direct Loan disbursement(s) will not be released while a student is on official Leave of Absence. Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts applies students’ financial aid awards towards tuition and fees. Once a student’s tuition and fees are paid in full, any Title IV funds exceeding the tuition and fees are released directly to the student within fourteen (14) calendar days, unless a student requests in writing that those funds be held longer or returned to their student loan to minimize their loan debt.


Academic Year

An academic year for Arizona Holistic Institute of Healing Arts is defined as 900 clock hours and 26 weeks. Since the Professional Massage Therapy program is less than an academic year, financial aid is prorated accordingly.


US Department of Education Ombudsman

The US Department of Education has an FSA Ombudsman Group that is neutral, informal, confidential.

The office is available to help resolve disputes about your federal student loans. You can contact them by mail:


P.O. Box 1843
Monticello, KY 42633
1(877) 557-2575


Additional Financial Aid Resources

Students may also be eligible to receive grant money through ARIZONA@WORK. Please see the admissions advisor for more details about where to apply.


Related Professional Scholarship Information

Additional scholarship information may be provided as it becomes available.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all financial aid applications and additional documentation requested are submitted prior to given deadlines. If a student fails to do so and has not been approved for financial aid by the class start date, they will be required to pay the first monthly payment amount calculated from the total tuition cost. This amount will be due prior to starting school unless prior written
approval is granted by the Director.

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